Sunday, May 17, 2009

I have for some time had people suggest I write a book. I just wanted some input from some of you who may read the posts......It would mainly consist of the experiences I have had with God in my life....some as simple as the deeper experiences I have had.....If you would like, please leave me your opinion and any interests.

Thank you,
God Bless!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Two by Two!!!!

As it was in the days of Noah shall it be in the last days.......The word is never wrong it's proven true time and time again....It's description of our day is so true....Life as usual????Watch!!! faithful never before get in the ark of safety...the ark of the covenant of His word....Some will laugh and say it's not necessary....some will mock the prophets...they will continue on and look at you with superior glazed eyes as you sit in the security of these last days....You may choose to walk closer that you ever have even reconsidering some "old" convictions you may have given up for a time or for a spouse or friends....but you're boarding the last ship out...The safety of the oldest standing ark of the Lord...Two by two????The bible says if one can put thousand to flight TWO can put ten thousand to flight.....Get in the word with agreement!! Get in the prayer room with agreement!! God has stored up provision without spoil and where thieves cannot break in and steal!!! It's in the word!! It's in prayer that we will dwell in the ark of safety it's in the agreement in the name of Jesus that we will travail and prevail over every wile of the devil and every storm and the end in these perilous times...God is not mocked nor is He a man that He should lie....the same God that fed 10,000 with basically 5 cans of chicken of the sea and 5 loaves of bread is still in business today!!!! GET ON BOARD!!! It's almost the last call!!! Call to your family and friends one more....let go of the horrible spirit of Religion and just listen to the spirit of God...let down your guard of self and say I surrender and I'm getting on board where ALL is safe......Hallelujah!!!! It's in the word.......get ready as you get in that PLACE to see God reveal himself to you as never before....and answer prayer as never before the later house SHALL be greater than the former house...Oh praise God!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


ASK...That's it God???? ASK??? I have been waiting for a "big" revelation from HIM to post...and in a small quiet voice for days I've been hearing....ASK....So as I was about my day and would hear it occasionally finally I laughed and said "God I know that's you" and just like you so simple but powerful sometimes!! And just like HIM he brought confirmation to me in such a large but small way... EVERYWHERE I went yesterday I was caught off guard by the commercial that has the word "Ask" written in red across the screen or in a magazine in the doctors office, the supermarket etc...OOOOKKKK!!! I thought I get it JUST ASK!!"ASK OF ME" CHRIST SAID IN WORDS OF RED ALL THROUGH THE GOSPELS!!!!ASK... and it shall be done!! If ye ASK... of me a fish will I give you a serpent????If ye abide in me and my word abides (or lives) in you ye shall ASK what ye will and it S H A L L!!!! be done unto you!! He reminded me of a time in my life when I was in the ministry and money was almost non-existent!! I took my youngest daughter to school and just as she got out of the car she turned and said "Mom could we have banana nut bread the way I like it, you know, no nuts real toasty on top? As I was thinking "Sure if I rob a bank" she turned and said"Oh and if it's not too much trouble could we have those white and chocolate covered pretzels you make at Christmas??" As she ran off and I drove away I thought...It was as though she had ask me for a million$$...well it's not over I went back and picked up my oldest daughter and as she got got i...she asked for chocolate chip cookies!!! OK you have no idea what I was going through at the time, our finances were in ruins, my marriage of 15 years was in shambles and we were in the middle of pastoring a church...not to mention it was complicated as had been for many years with terrible physical and mental abuse...Before you say in horror what in the world were you doing in the ministry??? I knew God had put me there and had in fact told me if things did not change to leave....Sooo as I returned to the parsonage and threw myself in whaling tears on my bed I began to tell God look at this mess!!!And my precious daughters want nothing more than slightly toasted banana nut bread with no nuts, white and chocolate covered pretzels,and chocolate chip cookies....the phone rang...It was a very sweet woman from our church whom I was helping her excel in music ministry in our church...I thought OH GOD not now!!! I'm having a breakdown!! But..I answered in my normal got it together Texas southern lady voice...she said...I hope I'm not bothering you as she cried...but I think I've done something wrong and I want to make it right...She said "I bought a bunch of stuff to bake with yesterday and I kinda got into my tithe money and I was wondering if I could bring some of it over to you and it would maybe be right that way...I said "Oh why sure just stop worrying!" She said well you may not like it See I was making some banana nut bread last night and I forgot to put the nuts in it,and I left it a little bit longer that I intended to and so its a little "done" on the top, and then I made tooo much chocolate and white covered pretzels, like 8 lbs. and if that's too much or you guys don't like them I don't have to bring so much, and I made some chocolate chip cookies and they're a little chewy...but anyway would that be OK????As I sat totally limp in tears consumed by tears and the love of my father I tried to sound normal and say "Oh no bring them on over" much later in my life I shared with the woman what she had done...Oh my!!! If we could just understand what He really meant in the word that"BEFORE YOU CALL I WILL ANSWER'!!!! means we would put in our specific request to our Father and just run on to our day knowing that He will answer our A S K I N G!!! HALLELUJAH!!!! PRAISE HIM AND...ASK ASK ASK...BE SPECIFIC!!!!! HE LOVES YOU!!! I hope this blessed your heart!!!