Monday, November 3, 2008

Not Just For An Hour!!!

Praise God......As I was praying this morning the Lord spoke to me....I was praying and I began to pour out of my spirit .....many things !!!for my sons... my grandchildren...I said "God .....I believe there are no limits.... and I don't have to go to a seminar to get victory!!! I don't need the "SECRET" I have the secret!!!! I take the limits off!!! AND...God began to show me of how you have not because you ask not!!! Out of my spirit I cried OUT...." God your daughters are Cinderella!!! And I want victory for more than an HOUR!!!! More than a YEAR a month....more than a week...more than a day...and more than just a portion of my life...As Cinderellas' story goes ....she had to "hurry" and enjoy her "miracle" because AT "MIDNIGHT" the CARRIAGE would turn again to an ordinary pumpkin ....the horses into rats and the driver etc....So she needed to hurry up and enjoy her blessing and get back to her "assigned" life as slave and partaker of all the humiliations of her enemies she served....BUT NOT SO!!!! EVEN AT MIDNIGHT!!!! IN OUR LIVES!!!! in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS!!!! We take AUTHORITY AND REFUSE TO SETTLE FOR LESS THAN OUR INHERITANCE!!!! OUR FATHER IS ROYALTY AND WE ARE HIS PRINCESS'!!!!! ARISE FROM YOUR MOP BUCKETS OF PAST DREAMS ARISE FROM YOUR BUCKETS OF BROKEN HEARTS, FROM YOUR BUCKETS OF SHAME!!!! FOR IN ISAIAH THE LORD SAYS " FOR YOUR SHAME YOU SHALL HAVE DOUBLE"!!!!! OH HALLELUJAH!!!! GOD WILL THROW YOUR BUCKETS OUT OF HOPELESSNESS AND YOUR BUCKETS OF"SETTLING" OUT FOR THE REAL THING!!!! We will NOT go a three days journey!!! WE WILL NOT.. Just have barely enough!!!! WE REFUSE to accept anything from the enemy I hear in my spirit THROW OUT THE HUSH MONEY!!! AND DEMAND YOUR INHERITANCE IT'S ALREADY YOURS!!! MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY AAALLLL......YOUR NEEDS!!!WHAT DO YOU NEED???? MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALLLLLL YOUR NEEDS!!!!! IF THE DOW HAS NOT BEEN SUPPLYING YOUR NEEDS IN THE PAST.....NO NEED TO GET UPSET NOW!!!!HALLELUJAH!!!!! WE ARE SERVING THE GOD WHO TURNED THE WATER INTO WINE!!! HE CAN TURN YOUR PUMPKINS INTO PROSPERITY AND HERE'S THE KEY WORD....NOW!!!! NOW!!!! NOW!!!!AND WE DON'T HAVE TO YELL SHALAKADOODLE!!! MY GOD REFUSE REFUSE TO GO ANOTHER HOUR WITHOUT YOUR INHERITANCE GET UP OFF YOUR KNEES OF "WELL I'LL PRAISE HIM ANYHOW...OFF YOUR KNEES OF OH WELL I CAN MAKE IT!!!!" AND ARISE!!!! GOD said "Many of my daughters await a special engagement to dress up beautifully if even for an hour........ and feel special and feel lovely....But I WANT TO TAKE YOU TO AN HOUR in your life where you realize who you are and you will not have to just look forward to one hour..... of a wedding..... one hour of a prom. hour to be loved and complemented ONE HOUR TO FEEL ADORNED....restored RESTORED AND ADORNED I WILL ADORN YOU!!!!.... I want to give you more than ONE night with the King I want to give you your hearts desire!!! Don't accept the words of Pharaoh again to RELAX in the control of His hand my daughters but..... THIS DAY!!! THIS DAY !!!!THIS DAY!!!!!! I WILL DELIVER YOU FROM BONDAGE!!! CRY OUT TO ME!!!!! AND GET READY FOR THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE!!!! THIS TIME IT WILL BE THE REAL BOA Z!!!! THIS TIME IT WILL BE THE RIGHT HOUSE !!!!THIS TIME IT WILL BE THE REAL THING!!!!THE RIGHT TOUCH~!!! THE RIGHT JOB !!!THE RIGHT TOWN!!! THE RIGHT FIELD!!!ASK ME!!!ASK ME!!! AND JUST GET READY....I KNOW WHERE TO DELIVER..... AND I KNOW HOW TO DELIVER!!! AND I DON'T NEED THE ENEMIES PERMISSION...BUT YOU.... DAUGHTERS... REFUSE !REFUSE!!!REFUSE!!!! THE GIMMICKS OF THE ENEMY!!!!FOR HE DOES NOT CONTROL WHAT IS NOT HIS !!!!....HE HAS NO CONTROL!!! DEMAND IT !!! DEMAND HE LET GO OF YOUR BLESSING!!!!....AND LET HIM KNOW YOU'RE NOT LEAVING "ANY" OF YOUR CHILDREN IN POVERTY!!!!...IN LACK!!!! ...IN SPIRITUAL DRUNKENNESS!!! OH HALLELUJAH THE ENEMY OF YOUR CHILDREN HAS TO LOOSE THEM!!!! IT'S COVENANT!!!!HALLELUJAH MARRIED OR NOT..... 10 20 OR 60 ....HE HAS NOT THE PRIVILEGE NOR THE POWER TO HOLD THEM!!!!BELIEVE ME AND GET READY!!!! FOR MORE THAN JUST AN HOUR MY DAUGHTERS MY BEAUTIFUL CINDERELLAS....FOR I WILL BRING YOU OUT OF THE CINDERS!!!! CINDERELLA!!!! AND GIVE YOU BEAUTY FOR ASHES!!! I WILL TURN YOUR MOURNING INTO DANCING....YOU AND THE smallest (birds) made a beautiful gown but "EYES HAVE NOT SEEN NOR HAS IT ENTERED INTO THE HEART OF man WHAT I HAVE PREPARED FOR YOU".... Praise God !!!I receive mine and I'm gettin ready for the REAL BOA Z to stand up!!! The palace that I don't have to give up and the real blessing..... not half of one.... and some food stamps....NOT FOR AN HOUR!!! HALLELUJAH!!! GET READY TO sing the songs you haven't sung to walk in places you haven't walked and WALTZ!!!! WITH THE KING!!!! You thought it was over!!!! .....but it's not!!!!! and here's the real kicker!!!.....just smile and keep carrying the bucket on hour head and keep walking past that smirk y grin.... but GET READY!!!!GET READY!!!!! IT'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN !!!!! H A P P E N!!!! THAT'S THE PROPHETIC WORD TODAY HAPPEN!!!! AND YOU WILL SAY.... "I CAN'T EXPLAIN IT"...!!!!!(what God did) it JUST HAPPENED!!!!!HALLELUJAH GET YOUR PUMPKINS!!!! GET YOUR LITTLE DUMB LOOKIN PUMPKINS....GET YOUR LIL NOTHINGS THAT THE ENEMY HAS LAUGHED AT....GOD SAYS YOU!!!!YOU!!! WILL HAVE THE LAST LAUGH!!!!HALLELUJAH!!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Come out with your hands Up!!!

As I awakened this morning I heard the words "Come out with your hands up!!!" As I came totally coherent I realized it was the spirit of the Lord.... I lay there and listened as the spirit of the Lord began to reveal things to me. He said people have been going through some very strong attacks some mental, some physical, some spiritual. I began to see different meanings to what He had laid on my heart.
One was coming out as the three Hebrew children did out of the fire, they did not bend nor bow, and they came out without the smell of smoke in their clothes. The " hands- up" represents surrender, and during the trying fiery trial of their life they surrendered to an all consuming fire, and from that trust and faith came total victory. We must learn to throw our hands up and "having done all we know to do STAND" and God will appear in our fiery trial.

Another was when Paul and Silas were in jail the victory came for them when they began to praise God and the whole building was shaken and they were set free . They were not wringing their hands nor pleading their case before an attorney.... they threw their hands up I believe and began to praise God from out of their spirit a "true" praise and it brought freedom and they "came out" of that bondage!!

The spirit of God is still the same today!! David defeated Goliath with the word of the Lord and one shot....but he made a declaration about his hands, he told the giant that God would deliver him into his "hands" this day!!! He prepared his hands to grasp the victory over the enemy through obedience and through the power of the spoken declaration of the words of his mouth!! Hallelujah we have the same power no matter how large the giant is or how long he's been there screaming threats!!! Prepare your hands to grasp tactics and threats of the enemy, and then to raise them in victory!!!David returned before the King with Goliath's head in his "hands".

We are coming OUT with our hands UP!!!! Praise God get your hands up in surrender, in praise, raise them up to prepare to carry the head of the enemy in triumph!!! Come up and out praising God!! Throw your hands up and say "God I give up.... I surrender to the will of your word!!!!" And your word says I know the plans for you are good plans for a hope and a future, plans of prosperity so God, Daddy, Heavenly Father I surrender to the trust that you are bringing those things to be in my life!!! Begin to praise God like the prison doors of bondage are gone praise Him like you know He is the Lord God Jehovah who was and is and is to come and will never leave you or forsake you.... the one who holds the keys to death and hell and the grave the one who will not only open the gates of the prison but the one who said " the gates of hell will NOT prevail" against you!!!

Praise Him!! and COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!!!!